Kentucky Lawmakers Approve Bill Allowing Students to Retake a Year of School

Senate Bill 128 that allows public and nonpublic school students from kindergarten through 12th grade to have an opportunity to re-do the last school year is headed to the governor’s desk for his signature.

State Representative Steve Riley, a Republican from Glasgow, explained on the House floor that this bill, which is not a mandate, would allow school systems to give students and their families permission to retain their students for a year because of issues involved in the pandemic.

Riley said the bill would allow any student, regardless of academic status, to re-do the school year. The bill would also allow high school students to have a fifth-year of eligibility to play sports as long as they do not turn 19 before August 1st of their senior year.

After a short debate, the House approved SB 128 by a 92-5 vote. The measure was approved unanimously by the Senate earlier this month.

The bill now goes to Governor Andy Beshear for his signature or veto.