
Why Advertise With WKDZ/WHVO?
See What Our Customers and Listeners Have To Say….

I am so glad that we at Linda’s Tax Service chose to advertise on the new WKDZ billboard. The return on our investment with the number of new clients we received from these ads more than exceeded my expectations. The advertising was professional and represented our organization well. I plan on using the billboard every year for our advertising needs.
–Michelle Braden McCulloch, Manager of Linda’s Tax Services

Dear news dept. and general radio station manager,

My wife and I were delayed in coming home from a trip to southern Illinois this past weekend during the rough snow storm. We made a judgement call to stay another night in a motel based on the weather and its a good thing we did.

Today, (Monday) we headed out to southern middle Tennesse & were eastbound on I 24 when we tuned in to 96.5 for the first time. We heard the noon “edge” news.

Your news coverage confirmed that we made the right choice to delay our departure.

More significantly I’m compelled to let you know what an astounding job you are doing.

I have managed radio stations, news departments, and even news on broadcast And cable television. So imagine my surprize to hear THE BEST LOCAL COVERAGE of the news I have EVER heard. It was better than local affiliate TV coverage, hands down better than any Radio news coverage i’ve ever heard.

There was so much detail about yesterdays storm coverage as we were passing those very spots on the interstate that were previously reported as closed. We stayed tuned for more news coverage that left no questions unanswered. Amazing!

So often local, regional, even national reporting is so terribly written, one is left with more questions and uncertainty than before being so called “informed”. It’s not an exaggeration when I say that clearly you have competence and the right attitude about writing and reporting the news.

It was so refreshing to hear; facts not opinion, names, places, times, and how it may effect us, the listener.

The who, what, where, when and even why of things was delivered all without self hype.

It was objective and simply terrific.

I only wish that I discovered your station prior to or during the storm. I would have been better educated to make crucial travel decisions and perhaps learned more about your community.

You and your staff should be very proud to exhibit actual journalism practices. It’s a rare accomplishment in this age of the yappy, murky, slanted, opinionated, often advertiser driven regurgitated hype delivered by cookie cutter drones.

Please know even though you may not hear it often, you are appreciated, Your news is so good though you might be accustomed to such accolades. I am not one who writes letters of praise or discontent, but your exceptional news department is worthy of special recognition. We only regret losing your signal to distance traveled, but look forward to our next trip to Illinois so we can hear more. We have reserved a button for your station on our radio for such a future trip.

Pete and Julia James
Tullahoma, Tennessee


Wayne Hunt, H & R Agri-Power

Wilburn “Uncle Willie” Wilson

Chandler with Sherry Calhoun at Gracious Me!

Delbert Roeder

Hear from Madison, McKenzie, Sienna and Kip

Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park

“Advertising with WKDZ/WHVO is one of the most effective ways we communicate with our members in this area. The employees at the station are all top notch. Cindy Allen Lax is our account representative. She makes advertising a breeze. Money spent with WKDZ/WHVO is well worth it!” –Brent Gilkey, Pennyrile Electric

“I do business with WKDZ and WHVO because I feel like they dominate this listening area. We get feedback often from consumers telling us they have heard us on the radio. We use this radio station as our primary source of advertising. They actually consult with me and advise me on the overall marketing and promotion of my business.” –Tim Murphy, Harbor Insurance, Lake Barkley Insurance


“I have tried many different types of advertising, and the two greatest types of advertising for us are radio and direct mail….No ifs, ands, or buts about it, but direct mail is so expensive you can’t justify it. So our biggest and our greatest asset to us is our relationship with WKDZ/WHVO, and I mean that.” –Bob Brame, Cadiz Hardware


“Working with WKDZ is such a great experience! A good, “home-town feel” business relationship with us, is what sets them to stand out! Not only does WKDZ care about Gracious Me!, but Cindy goes above & beyond in her association with making our local business strive. Just being a phone call away, she helps take care of all of our advertising needs! WKDZ & Cindy are more than business partners, they’re special friends!”


WKDZ has always done an outstanding job advertising our bank over the years. Cindy Allen is always keeping us current on what’s new going on with WKDZ. We are very pleased with the results of being on their website. Last year we had approximately 400 clicks to our website from advertising on their news page. This year the number of clicks to our site in 2 months is already 124. I have been very impressed with their changes over the years and keeping up with technology. Bottom line is that they understand every business has an advertising budget. They work hard to find the best advertising solution that fits your needs and gets you results. I highly recommend that WKDZ is included in your advertising budget.
