Community Members Discuss Mental Health And Suicide Prevention

The Pennyroyal Center hosted a “Let’s Talk” event Tuesday evening about mental health and suicide prevention at Hopkinsville Community College.

Community members gathered to watch ‘Suicide: The Ripple Effect’; the story of Kevin Hines who survived a suicide attempt at the age of 19 after jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.

Pennyroyal Center CEO/Executive Director Eric Embry tells the News Edge it’s important to talk about mental health issues.

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He notes there are people within the Pennyroyal Center who are willing to help anyone who struggles.

After watching the documentary, Pennyroyal Center staff shared some of their own battles with mental health issues and how they overcame them and took questions from the audience during an open panel discussion.

The first step in receiving help from the center can be found by visiting

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