Law enforcement agencies are investigating an unconfirmed sighting of Kirby Wallace this morning in the area of Poplar Springs Road in Woodlawn. The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office says they received a report of a man in the woods with a gun and units have been sent to the area, which is currently surrounded.
In addition, the Sheriff’s office reports they received a call overnight from the 4000 block of Poplar Springs Road of a man attempting to enter a porch with a gun and then ran off into the woods, along with other calls of suspicious activity in the area. Law enforcement agencies have established a second search perimeter in the area.
Tennessee authorities say Wallace is wanted in connection to a murder and arson in Stewart County and a home invasion in Montgomery County, both occurring on Sunday, September 23. He is also a suspect in a murder and carjacking that happened in the Woodlawn area Monday morning.
Authorities say Wallace is considered dangerous and possibly armed. He has been added to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s Top Ten Most Wanted list. As of midday Tuesday, the reward was up to $7,500.