Downtown Cadiz Sidewalk Project Is Almost Complete

During Cadiz City Council’s meeting Tuesday evening, council heard updates on the sidewalk project and what WCA is doing for the city.

Public Works Director Kerry Fowler says the sidewalk project in downtown is almost complete.

WCA, the new garbage pickup for the city, has been helping them by picking up large garbage items. Major Account Manager Lana Alderdice provided an update on picking up trash during the city’s junk days in September.

Alderdice says they picked up a little over 5 tons of garbage during the two days their crews worked.

Along with tires and lawnmowers, WCA will also not be able to pick up anything with motors or any batteries. The city will continue to use WCA to pick up large garbage items through the rest of the year.

In other business, Mayor Todd King declared October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month for the city.

The November meeting for Cadiz City Council has been moved to Tuesday, November 13 at 6:00 PM. The original November meeting date fell on the day of the General Election.

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