Heather Riley


I began my sales career at the ripe old age of 8 with a lemonade stand at my mom’s yard sale and I never looked back. I took a break from selling while my son was in school and worked for the school system so we could have the same schedule.  When he graduated it was right back into the sales world.  I became a Sales Director and earned a car with Mary Kay Cosmetics.  It was there that my world opened up to so many possibilities.  I learned valuable lessons and techniques that would change my sales approach forever.  Mary Kay always said to always follow the Golden Rule and to imagine everyone has a sign around their neck that says “make me feel special.”  These are but two of the many principals that I continue to carry with me through my sales career.  Mary Kay inadvertently led me to WKDZ/WHVO and as I found both had the same foundation and principles I knew I had found a new home.  At the Edge Media Group my goal as a Marketing Specialist is to help businesses grow by working with their goals to build their best marketing strategy.

Originally from a small town in Central Eastern Kentucky of course I have a big love for the Kentucky Wildcats.  My husband brought me to Western Kentucky in 1999. We currently reside in Caldwell County where he is a teacher and coach.  I am a proud football coach’s wife and love our boys tremendously. I have one son Ty who is out of the house now so we are now empty nesters. In my free time I enjoy spending time at the gym, enjoying the outdoors hiking or kayaking and attending various sporting events, especially my Tigers.