She added that the governors comment that SEEK would be level funding is not the case.
The tentative budget will be presented in May with the final budget presented in September.
Board members unanimously approved the 2018-19 School Year Calendar. The first day of school for students will be August 9 and the last day of classes for students will be May 22.
Kentucky Center for School Safety Coordinator, Dan Orman presented Safe School Assessment Reports for Indian Hills Elementary School and Hopkinsville High School. He said at both schools students found teachers or others trustworthy and they provided good security by keeping exterior doors locked.
Orman also pointed out some concerns at HHS including the number of fights, tobacco use, staff morale, open containers and parent notification of emergencies.
Among the concerns at Indian Hills Elementary School, Orman said the concerns were inconsistencies with visitors, bus misbehavior and classroom doors not being shut or locked during instruction.
And Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks and Christian County Fiscal Court Magistrate Mark Cansler attended the meeting and read a proclamation proclaiming January as School Board Recognition Month.
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